Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Getting Trippy 2: Singapore and Mauritius...

(Click to Enlarge)

Dad and me being welcomed onto the superstar virgo cruise @ Singapore

(Scan quality poor - has come too bright)

Petting a Pink Dolphin..

(Scan quality)

Yours truly entering into a Submarine..
(Scanned quality)

The rest of the pics are digital.

The magnificent Merlion captured against the backdrop of the essence of Singapore city- it's modern highrises.

Sandcastles @ Sentosa Island @ Singapore

Burst of yellow @ Sentosa Flowers 2006

A beautiful lone Ginger Rose @ Mauritius Botanical Garden

The very breathtaking water lily field @ Mauritius Botanical Garden

The Dual Coloured Blades of a unique plant @ Charamel @ Mauritius

Lovely violety-blue coloured flowers @ Charamel @ Mauritius


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pictures shiva.upload more. :)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as you demanded shiva.what yaar the singapore snaps jus reminded me that i've to still give you the fare of this tour that is pending
;-)anyways u look stunning there as u had put on 4kgs.bye continue with your great job..

Saturday, April 22, 2006 8:37:00 AM  

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