Tuesday, October 24, 2006

6 Feet above the ground.

Guess whose?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Bulb in cup

This is a bulb in a cup

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tip of the tongue

Just felt like clicking a snap with green goo on my tongue.

A lily

A lily- to test the direct to blog option on my new mobile..

Monday, July 31, 2006

Welcome to the photograph section

(P.S.: This particular post by Shiva is post-dated so that it remains on the top of this page. To check out newer photographs by me, please scroll down.)

Updated: 3rd July 2006

Here I shall be posting some photographs of my liking. Hope you folks enjoy and appreciate them.


[All the photos you shall see here have been clicked by one of these:
Sony Cybershot P-92
Sony Ericsson K750i
Olympus (scanned)]


I'll begin with this. A lovely pink rose that's been my wallpaper since a long time)

My Photo Archives:

Click Here to see Photographs Posted in July 2005
Click Here to see Photographs Posted in August 2005
Click Here to see Photographs Posted in October 2005
Click Here to see Photographs Posted in March 2006

Click Here to go to SIONTIFIC

Click Here to go to Simply Shiva Home Page

Monday, July 03, 2006

Snail Pace..

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Getting Trippy 2: Singapore and Mauritius...

(Click to Enlarge)

Dad and me being welcomed onto the superstar virgo cruise @ Singapore

(Scan quality poor - has come too bright)

Petting a Pink Dolphin..

(Scan quality)

Yours truly entering into a Submarine..
(Scanned quality)

The rest of the pics are digital.

The magnificent Merlion captured against the backdrop of the essence of Singapore city- it's modern highrises.

Sandcastles @ Sentosa Island @ Singapore

Burst of yellow @ Sentosa Flowers 2006

A beautiful lone Ginger Rose @ Mauritius Botanical Garden

The very breathtaking water lily field @ Mauritius Botanical Garden

The Dual Coloured Blades of a unique plant @ Charamel @ Mauritius

Lovely violety-blue coloured flowers @ Charamel @ Mauritius

Monday, October 24, 2005

Gettin Trippy: Egypt and Oman..

(Click on the Pictures to Enlarge)

Dad and myself on horseback in front of the Great Pyramids at Giza.. with my hair trying to form a pyramid too...i think it was the Egyptian Gods messing with my Hair...

A long distance away from the pyramids... in an attempt to capture the 3 largest pyramids in one snap...

Brilliant Blue Waters of the Omani Beaches...in contrast with the harsh mountains of the desert terrain on the other side..

Two real cute Omani Kids who were following me around..



A young Coleus plant with lovely colour and symmetry.

(Click to Enlarge)

Paint Splash

Croton leaves with nature's paint splashed on it.

(Click To Enlarge)

Floral Bracts

This is a close-up of the bracts of the Euphorbia milii. It is also called as 'Crown of Thorns' or 'Christ Plant' as Jesus Christ was made to wear a thorny crown made from the stem of this plant during His Crucification. The stem of this plant has ghastly looking thorns which you cannnot see in this picture.
(Click to Enlarge)

Bamboo Sky

This a a Bamboo plant clicked against the backdrop of the sky.

(Click to Enlarge)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Spider snack

Click the pictures to see an enlarged version.

Spider in the morning:

Same spider having his delicious afternoon grub:

Reaching high

- Clicked by Samip


-Clicked By Samip

Flower ball

- Clicked by Samip.

Helping hands

Click to enlarge.

-Clicked by Samip.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Click to Enlarge

Impromptu Kodak Moment at work

Click to Enlarge.

- Don't recollect who clicked this.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Podiatric Nudity.

Click to Enlarge.

- (Clicked By Samip)

Heavy balls. Bright colours.

Click to Enlarge.

- (Clicked by Samip)

Feeling 'Slug'ish today...

Click to Enlarge at your Own Risk.

How to measure a slug....

Slug crossing...

Yes. I'm Bored.

Friday, July 29, 2005

A Floral Collection.

I am a plant lover with photography as an enjoyable hobby. The flawless symmetry, vibrant colours and seemingly endless varities and peculiarities of flowers have always fascinated me. So my first tribute to this photography section would be of some pictures i have clicked over the years. Do leave comments and advice.

My favourite flower. The 'Passion Flower'. Also locally called 'Krishna Kamal' or 'Rakheechur' (as it resembles a rakhee.)

The Yellow Allamanda with a bit of artificial border thrown in.

Assorted flowers picked out from a bouquet.

The Big red Hisbiscus.

A yellow Hibiscus - But not the usual 5 petal variety. It's called a 'Chinese Hibiscus' if i'm not mistaken.

Yellow Hibiscus, with beautiful red core.

A rose caught in the stages of blooming.

One of the reddest roses i've seen.

A big jucy 'Desi Gulab'. Flaunting shades of yellow, light pink and dark pink. Excellent Fragrance of this one.

The flower of the Adenium Obesum.

I don't know what these flowers were called. but they flower just once in their lifetime, and then the whole plant dies. If any of you know the name of this plant, do let me know.