Monday, July 31, 2006

Welcome to the photograph section

(P.S.: This particular post by Shiva is post-dated so that it remains on the top of this page. To check out newer photographs by me, please scroll down.)

Updated: 3rd July 2006

Here I shall be posting some photographs of my liking. Hope you folks enjoy and appreciate them.


[All the photos you shall see here have been clicked by one of these:
Sony Cybershot P-92
Sony Ericsson K750i
Olympus (scanned)]


I'll begin with this. A lovely pink rose that's been my wallpaper since a long time)

My Photo Archives:

Click Here to see Photographs Posted in July 2005
Click Here to see Photographs Posted in August 2005
Click Here to see Photographs Posted in October 2005
Click Here to see Photographs Posted in March 2006

Click Here to go to SIONTIFIC

Click Here to go to Simply Shiva Home Page

Monday, July 03, 2006

Snail Pace..